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Workshop Description:
In an ideal world, any data you collect or obtain would be clean and formatted perfectly for analysis and visualization. But the reality is that data can be really messy! Cleaning and reformatting your data can be a time-… Read more.

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Course Description:
This workshop will provide an introduction to OpenRefine, a powerful open source tool for exploring, cleaning and manipulating “messy” data. Through hands-on activities, using a variety of datasets, participants will learn how to… Read more.

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Getting started

Please visit our tutorial on installing OpenRefine
Please note that all computers in the Map and Data Library (on the fifth floor of Robarts Library), and the computer labs on the fourth and fifth floor of Robarts Library have… Read more.

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This tutorial has been developed for OpenRefine version 3.7.5
Sometimes when you construct an API call and use the Add Column by Fetching URLs feature, it won’t work. In these cases, you can use python to help. So far we’ve been writing GREL… Read more.

Post Date:

This tutorial has been developed for OpenRefine version 3.7.5
You may have noticed from Activity 2 that sometimes you searched for a property to add from Wikidata, but got an error. Other times you might want to augment your dataset with data that… Read more.

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This tutorial has been developed for OpenRefine version 3.7.5
To learn more about reconciliation services and how you can use them to augment your data, check out the official OpenRefine guide to reconciling Feel free to read just the introduction… Read more.

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We are going to work with a different dataset for the next few activities. In order to start augmenting the dataset, we need to do a bit of preparation work first. This activity will showcase some new concepts and features for OpenRefine, as well as… Read more.

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In this activity, you are going to:
Create a new project by making an API call to pull in data and parse the resulting JSON
Manipulate the data by using GREL date expressions and facet the data to make discoveries
Create a new project by… Read more.

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In this activity, you are going to:
Open and load some sample data
Practice some regex basics
Use regex in OpenRefine
Open and load some sample data
1. Browse to the website The REGULAR EXPRESSION box at the… Read more.

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In this activity, you are going to:
Create a new project from the citizen science dataset and use the clustering feature
Split and concatenate various columns in the dataset
Restructure the dataset by removing columns and rows, and then work with… Read more.