The Map & Data Library's collection of numeric data is especially strong in Canadian datasets, but also contains international coverage on a range of topics. You can search for data right from our homepage, or you can limit your search specifically to statistics or microdata.
What are statistics?
- Ready-to-use numeric facts
- Tables of counts, totals, means/averages, percentages etc
- Use when you need numbers to support an argument
Search Statistics Canada's data tables (key Canadian source of statistics)
Search additional statistics at MDL
Also have a look at our census pages for more Canadian statistics
What is microdata?
- Tables of individual-level data (one record per person, household, etc)
- Requires analysis in statistical software in order to generate statistics
- Use when you need to generate your own tables or run statistical tests
Search microdata in <odesi> (primary Canadian microdata portal)
Search additional microdata at MDL
Data CD Inventory
Below is a spreadsheet listing the map & Data Library's holdings of CDs with data. If you see a data CD on the following spreadsheet that would be relevant to your research, please come in person to the Map & Data Library (on the fifth floor of Robarts Library, open 11am to 5pm, Monday to Friday) or contact and request it from one of the librarians or staff members. Please note that data CDs are only available to current University of Toronto students, staff, and faculty members.