Presentation Description:
October 8, 2020, 10:00am, presented by Nick FieldNote: this talk demonstrates an older version of the Digital Scholar Lab. For newer tutorials and videos, see this guide to getting started with the Digital Scholar Lab.This… Read more.
Digital Scholar Lab
Workshop Description:
Are you interested in analyzing large bodies of texts, or teaching text analysis in your class? Not sure what tools are available for you to use? Join us to learn about some of the major tools for text analysis at the… Read more.
Workshop Description:
This workshop introduces the Gale Digital Scholar Lab, a platform that allows users to discover and create collections of digitized texts from the Gale Historical Collections, run a variety of statistical analyses on them, and… Read more.
Overview | User Roles | Create a Workspace | Add Notes | Export Notes | More Information
When you log into the Digital Scholar Lab, it will ask you to select your workspace. Everyone has their personal workspace, which is private, but users… Read more.
Getting started
Please visit our guide on logging into the Gale Digital Scholar Lab
For general information and frequently asked questions (FAQs), please refer to our overview of the platform
Learning resources
Text Analysis Tasting Menu… Read more.
Table of Contents
See which texts are available
DSL Learning Center
Sample Projects
Recorded webinars and tutorials from Gale
See which texts are available
(back to table of contents)
To see which collections of primary sources are… Read more.
Let's conclude by exporting texts from Gale Digital Scholar Lab. You can use these texts for your own research and if you have downloaded any of the tools used above (e.g. MALLET for topic modeling or perhaps you are trying spaCy in Python), you… Read more.
Table of Contents
Document Clustering
Named Entity Recognition
Parts of Speech Tagger
Sentiment Analysis
Topic Modeling
(back to table of contents)
Now that we have our text collection and our cleaning… Read more.
Click on the Clean tab in the toolbar.
This is the Cleaning Configuration page, specifically the default configuration.
Cleaning configurations produce higher quality analysis and visualizations by removing errors and extraneous data. The… Read more.
Table of Contents
Build a collection
Upload your own texts
Create a text document
Bulk upload, method 1: text files
Bulk upload, method 2: spreadsheet (CSV)
Build a Collection
(back to table of contents)
The DSL has access to … Read more.