Table of Contents
1. Requesting a License
2. Downloading, Installation, and Authorization (Windows)
3. Downloading, Installation, and Authorization (Mac)
4. Troubleshooting
Requesting a License
1. Check NVivo’s system requirements before downloading, using this link.
2. If you are currently faculty, staff, or a student at the University of Toronto, fill out the license request form.
3. If you don't already have a myNVivo account, you will need to create one first in order to download the software. Go to the myNVivo Portal.
4. Once you're in the myNVivo Portal, either sign in if you already have a registered account, or click on “Sign up now.”
5. Fill in your details. Click “Send Verification Code”, and enter the code that is automatically sent to the inputted email address.
6. Once the code has been entered and verified, click "Create Account".
7. Fill in the remaining details. Click "Complete Sign Up."
Downloading, Installation, and Authorization (Windows)
Note: please be sure to download NVivo 12 specifically. The license key you received in your email will only work with NVivo 12.
1. Log into myNVivo Portal using the account you just created. After logging in, under Downloads, click on “click here” to find NVivo 12.
2. Scroll down to 'Download Older Versions of NVivo'. Click on 'View older versions' to expand the menu. Then click on 'NVivo 12 for Windows'.
3. Install NVivo 12 for Windows following the usual procedure for installations on your computer. Follow the instructions below OR watch this installation and authorization video.
4. Once NVivo 12 has been installed, start the application.
Once you are prompted for the license key, copy and paste it from your email. Then click Next.
6. When prompted, fill in your personal details for registration purposes and then click Activate.
That’s it! NVivo 12 should now be running on your computer.
Downloading, Installation, and Authorization (Mac)
Note: please be sure to download NVivo 12 specifically. The license key you received in your email will only work with NVivo 12.
1. Log into myNVivo Portal using the account you just created. After logging in, under Downloads, click on “click here” to find NVivo 12.
2. Scroll down to 'Download Older Versions of NVivo'. Click on 'View older versions' to expand the menu. Then click on 'NVivo 12 for Mac'.
3. Install NVivo 12 for Mac following the usual procedure for installations on your computer.
4. Once NVivo 12 has been installed, start the application.
a. If your Mac says that it cannot open NVivo 12, right click on the application and select Open, at the top of the menu.
b. Then in the pop-up window, click on Open.
c. Mac laptops with the new M1 processor require an additional step: please click on “Upgrade Now” before attempting to authorize.
5. Once you are prompted for the license key, click on the button for "Enter NVivo license key," paste the license key from your email, and then click Next.
6. If prompted, fill in your personal details for registration purposes and then click Activate.
That’s it! NVivo 12 should now be running on your computer.
1. Problems while attempting to use the license code saying the key isn't valid?
Please first check that you have installed NVivo 12 specifically.
- NVivo 12 is called “NVivo 12” and has a blue icon.
- The newer version of NVivo, which the University of Toronto does not have a license for, is called simply “NVivo” and has a grey icon.
- Also note that the new version asks you to Log into myNVivo once the program is opened. NVivo 12 does not do this.
- Also note that the new version asks you to Log into myNVivo once the program is opened. NVivo 12 does not do this.
If you downloaded the wrong version, please go back to myNVivo and download NVivo 12.
2. Problems Installing NVivo on a Mac? (NVivo needs permission to access data on your computer before it can run)
Follow these instructions from Baylor University's Libraries to solve this problem.
3. Problems with NVivo on a Mac with a M1 chip?
NVivo 12 Mac is compatible with the latest Macbook containing an M1 chip. If you are experience any difficulties, you may need to update the software. Open NVivo and select Check for Updates.
If this advice does not address your problem, please feel free to contact the Map & Data Library for help by filling out the Help Form.