The survey frame for the Transition Home Survey was developed during consultations with the various provincial governments and associations and every effort was made to ensure that all facilities in operation at the time of the survey were included. It is possible, however, that residential facilities which began operation after the initial set of consultations were not included in the survey. While it is assumed that the number of omissions is minimal, it is impossible to estimate the impact of this under-reporting.
Canada, provinces and territories
Self-administered mail-back questionnaires
This survey is a census of all residential agencies serving women who seek refuge due to situations of abuse and for other reasons. These may include, transition homes/shelters, second stage housing, safe home networks, satellites, women's emergency shelters, emergency shelters, Rural Family Violence Prevention Centres (Alberta only), Interim Housing (Manitoba only), Family Resource Centres, and any other residential facilities offering services to abused women with or without children.
More recent data from this survey is available in CANSIM.