Google Earth Engine provides access to several petabytes of satellite imagery and geospatial datasets. Researchers can write their own algorithms or reuse available algorithms online to perform analyses. Users must request access.
Remote sensing
What is it? is a leading provider of satellite imagery, capturing our dynamic planet's changes, patterns, and developments with high precision. Planet's constellation of Earth-imaging satellites provides high-resolution, frequent… Read more.
Discover, publish, and acquire geospatial data for areas within the Great Lakes region. The GLIN has a portal for viewing and exploring the Great Lakes and associated data layers, a data portal through which GIS and geospatial data for the Great… Read more.
LandsatLook Viewer allows searching and downloading of LandsatLook Images. LandsatLook Images are full resolution .jpg files that are included as options when downloading Landsat data from EarthExplorer or GloVis. Images are useful for image… Read more.
The USGS Emergency Operations, in support of the Department of Homeland Security, provides these images for use in disaster preparations, rescue and relief operations, damage assessments, and reconstruction efforts. HDDS supplies satellite and… Read more.
MODIS is an instrument aboard the Terra and Aqua satellites. Both satellites view the entire Earth's surface every 1 to 2 days acquiring data in 36 spectral bands at three spatial resolutions (250m, 500m, and 1,000m) describing features of the land… Read more.
The NSIDC supports research into our world's frozen realms: the snow, ice, glaciers, frozen ground, and climate interactions that make up Earth's cryosphere. All data are available at no cost. See list of data products.
The Land Remote Sensing Program provides the Federal Government and the public with a primary source of remotely sensed data and applications. Products and data available include aerial photography, digitized maps, elevation products, land cover,… Read more.
The Global Change Master Directory is an extensive directory of descriptive and locational information about data sets and services relevant to global change research. The project mission is to assist researchers, policy makers, and the public in… Read more.