Housing & real estate


The AHS is sponsored by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. The survey is the most comprehensive national housing survey in the United States.


Freely available datasets from the City of Toronto. Includes statistics on emergency services, budget, bikeways, childcare, city wards, food banks, public health, elections, economic indicators, festival & events, forest and land cover,… Read more.


The survey frame for the Transition Home Survey was developed during consultations with the various provincial governments and associations and every effort was made to ensure that all facilities in operation at the time of the survey were included… Read more.


Annual reports and monthly updates contain current and historical data on housing in Canada – new construction, new home prices and sales, rental statistics and the demographics of housing demand. Scroll to the bottom of the page for access to data… Read more.


Includes House Price Survey, Recreational Property Report, First-Time Homebuyers' Report, and Female Buyers Report.


Topics include: Population demographics and diversity, housing opportunities, education, health, residential integration and neighborhood characteristics, economic opportunities, crime, and physical environment. Data can be downloaded in PDF or… Read more.