2011 National Household Survey: Statistical tables (aggregate data)

The following types of statistics are produced by Statistics Canada for the 2011 NHS:

Profile Files

The National Household Survey (NHS) was conceived to replace the mandatory long-form census questionnaire. The content of the NHS 2011 is similar to the past long-form questionnaire, although some questions and sections have changed. This profile presents information from the 2011 National Household Survey (NHS) for various levels of geography, including provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas/census agglomerations, census divisions, census subdivisions, dissemination areas, federal electoral districts, and forward sortation areas.

Profiles are available in odesi (.csv and .ivt (Beyond 20/20) format, which requires a free viewer to access). Most geographies are also available from the CHASS Census Analyzer (custom data extraction tool), and on the Statistics Canada website.

Data Tables

The National Household Survey (NHS) was conceived to replace the mandatory long-form census questionnaire. The content of the NHS 2011 is similar to the past long-form questionnaire, although some questions and sections have changed. NHS Data Tables provide statistical information about people in Canada by their demographic, social and economic characteristics as well as information about the housing units in which they live. Geography levels include: Canada, provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations.

Data tables are available in odesi and on the Statistics Canada website. Tables in Beyond 20/20 (.ivt) format require a free viewer to access.

Custom Tabulations

These tables were purchased by the Map & Data Library to address data needs among the U of T community. These tables were then made available to the public, per the Statistics Canada open license agreement

Other Resources

  • Coefficients of Variation (CVs). The CV of an estimate is the ratio of the standard error of the estimate and the estimate itself, expressed as a percentage. The CV is used to give an indication of the uncertainty associated with the estimates. Coefficients of variation are available for selected variables for Canada, provinces and territories. Download the data in .csv or .tab format