Step 1: Accessing SimplyAnalytics
In this video, you will learn how to access SimplyAnalytics with your UTORid and password. You can find the index link for SimplyAnalytics by using the search function on the University of Toronto Libraries website.
Step 2: Setting up a project
Below, you will learn how to set up a new project using SimplyAnalytics. At the end of this video, you will be able to understand the difference between Canadian census geography units while working with the Toronto Census Metro Area (CMA) in your new SimplyAnalytics project.
Step 3: Creating a thematic map
This step is broken down into three separate videos, each demonstrating the work involved in creating a thematic map.
In the first video, you will learn how to a) navigate and explore the map; and b) select a variable.
In the next video, you will learn how to c) refine the location by moving across geographic units, creating a combination location, and creating a radius location.
In the final video for this step, you will learn how to d) use the legend editor; and e) manage maps in SimplyAnalytics.
Step 4: Mapping business locations
This step will show you how to map businesses using the Businesses tab in SimplyAnalytics.
Step 5: Options for exporting maps
This step explores the options available for exporting maps in SimplyAnalytics. At the end of this video, you will be able to export your map as a PDF file.
Step 6: Creating reports
This step is broken down into three separate videos that are accompanied by two exercises.
In the first video, you will learn how to a) create a business report. This video includes an exercise where you will be tasked with generating and exporting a business report.
The next video will teach you how to b) create a comparative report, allowing you to compare data across locations and variables.
In the final video for this step, you will learn how to c) create a ranking report, which provides a table view useful for comparing data for all geographic units within a location, ranking them by your chosen variable. This video is accompanied by an exercise, providing you with the opportunity to explore the various report types offered by SimplyAnalytics.
Step 7: Getting help
In the final video for this tutorial, you will be introduced to the SimplyAnalytics Help Center and the supports available through the Map and Data Library.
If you have any questions about using SimplyAnalytics or need more general support, please email us at or fill out our support request form. If you'd like in-person assistance, please review our hours.
Please also feel free to consult these official guides from SimplyAnalytics: