Data Visualization

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Getting Started with ArcGIS Pro Notebooks
ArcGIS Pro notebooks provide users with an interactive environment for running Python code, automating workflows, and conducting geospatial analysis. They combine the power of Python with the spatial… Read more.

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Workshop Description:
This is a hands-on workshop that introduces the R statistical programming language using RStudio. The topics covered are importing, exploring and modifying a dataset. It is most suitable for new R users or users looking to… Read more.

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A network is a way of specifying relationships among a collection of entities or actors. Networks come up in a variety of situations; for example, they can describe relationships between characters in literary works, how… Read more.

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Infographics are a specific type of data visualization that uses a mix of data, visuals, and text to inform or persuade. They are common in marketing and social media, but they are becoming more popular as a way to attract and… Read more.

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Workshop Description:
Infographics are a specific type of data visualization that uses a mix of data, visuals, and text to inform or persuade. They are common in marketing and social media, but they are becoming more popular as a way to attract and… Read more.

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Data visualization gives us a better understanding of our data and helps us communicate that to others. It has the potential to generate insights, communicate findings, and illustrate evidence. Conversely, a poor visualization… Read more.

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Course Description:
This intermediate-level R course gives users a gentle and thorough introduction to reshaping data, the data manipulation package DPLYR, if-statements, for loops, functions, and the popular graphing package GGPLOT2. This course is… Read more.

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This course gives users a thorough introduction to the statistical programming language R in RStudio. It consists of videos, activity and quizzes. The topics covered include data types and data structures, exploring data, graphs… Read more.

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Through a combination of lecture and activities, this self-paced online course will introduce participants to best practices and guidelines for designing effective infographics and evaluating them. Participants will get a chance… Read more.

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Course Description:
Through a combination of lecture and activities, this self-paced online course will introduce participants to a common data visualization tool, Tableau Desktop. Participants will learn to create a variety of visualizations such… Read more.