World development indicators

Contains statistics to measure progress and demonstrate the effectiveness of development programs in traditional domains of debt, demographics, and national accounts, but in new areas such as biodiversity, information, communications, technology, and measures of government and business performance. The database includes more than 800 indicators in over 80 tables organized in six sections: World View, People, Environment, Economy, States and Markets, and Global Links.

Data creator
World Bank. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
Washington DC: World Bank
Geographic coverage


Time period

Dataset available  cd-rom available at the Map & Data Library for the following years.

World Bank's Board of Executive Directors recently approved a new Access to Information policy which became effective July 1, 2010. The World Bank's policy underscores its commitment to transparency and accountability as the premiere institution for international development. In keeping with this new policy, the following subscription-based databases are provided to the public free of charge through a new platform on the Bank's main website:

  1. World Development Indicators (WDI);
  2. Global Development Finance (GDF);
  3. Africa Development Indicators (ADI); and
  4. Global Economic Monitor (GEM)
Access status
CD number
1206 (1999)
133 (2001)
132 (2004)
337 (2004 cop.2)
339 (2008)