Political support in Canada

This project was undertaken to study the political attitudes and behavior of the Canadian electorate. Respondents were queried about their political party preferences and were asked to identify the most important election issues. The survey also gauged attitudes toward Canadian political parties and party leaders, the federal government, the federal civil service, the federal courts, the federal parliament, provincial governments, governments in general, Canada in general, and the North American Free Trade Agreement with the United States.

Series title
Political support in Canada (PSC) project
Data creator

Clarke, Harold D. and Allan Kornberg

Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR 6891)
Geographic coverage


Time period

Stratified random national sample, with oversampling in western and smaller provinces

Mode of data collecton

Personal interview and mail-back questionnaire

Unit of observation

This survey series, including all data & documentation, is archived at ICPSR. University of Toronto users must set up an ICPSR account using their U of T email address in order to access the data. There is also an access copy available through the CHASS SDA platform.

Funding agency

National Science Foundation (grants SES 831-1077, SDS 882-1628, SES 931-1335)

  • Clarke, Harold D., Kornberg, Allan . Partisan dealignment electoral choice and party-system change in Canada. Party politics 2(4): 455-478, 1996
  • Stewart, Marianne C., Clarke, Harold D. The dynamics of party identification in federal systems: The Canadian case. American Journal of Political Science 42(18): 97-116, 1998
  • ICPSR Bibliography of data-related literature


Access status
Access conditions and restrictions

University of Toronto faculty, students, and staff, for academic research and teaching purposes only