Youth custody and community service survey (YCCS)

Youth Custody and Community Services survey generates data in order to provide information to the justice community on the nature and extent of youth corrections and community services for young offenders and to inform the public. The YCCS covers all occurrences relating to a youth who has commenced an uninterrupted period of time serving either a custodial and/or community-based disposition. It also collects information on youths being held in remand (non-sentenced custody while awaiting trial, sentencing, or transfer to and from an institution).

Series title
Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics (CCJS)
Data creator
Statistics Canada. Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics (CCJS)
Date of creation
2010 Apr 26th
Ottawa, Ont.: Statistics Canada. Data Liberation Initiative.
Date of distribution
2010 May 18th
Geographic coverage


Time period
Mode of data collection


Access status
Access conditions and restrictions