Data Axle residential historical data

Product contains one data file (.csv format) for each year from 2006-2022. Records provide information about family demographics, dwelling characteristics, home value, income, years in residence & detailed geographic identifiers. 

Note: These data files are large (9-14GB each) and cannot be delivered online. Please contact the Map and Data Library to arrange access: 

These files are too large to open in Excel; you will need to work with them programmatically or using statistical analysis software. Contact the Map & Data Library if you require assistance working with these files.

Data creator

Data Axle

Date of creation
Date of distribution

Data Axle

Access status
Access conditions and restrictions

This product is licensed by the University of Toronto for the purposes of private study, research, education, distance learning, teaching, and administrative use associated with the normal practices and activities of the University of Toronto (no marketing). 

Authorized users are full and part time students, faculty and employees (including permanent, temporary, contract or visiting appointments) and researchers associated with the University of Toronto, regardless of the physical location of such persons.