Product contains one data file (.txt or .csv format) for each year. The US data runs from 1997-2021 and contains 11-15 million records per year. The Canadian data runs from 2009-2021 and contains 1.5-2.5 million records per year. Records provide information about business location (including address, census geography & lat/long coordinates (US database only)), number of employees, sales volume, NAICS & SIC codes, unique identifier across time for businesses and parent entities.
Data Axle
Data Axle
This product is licensed by the University of Toronto for the purposes of private study, research, education, distance learning, teaching, and administrative use associated with the normal practices and activities of the University of Toronto (no marketing).
Authorized users are full and part time students, faculty and employees (including permanent, temporary, contract or visiting appointments) and researchers associated with the University of Toronto, regardless of the physical location of such persons.