Gallup polling data

Access to Gallup data

The University of Toronto has licensed access to Gallup Inc's individual-level polling data for UofT students, staff and faculty use. All files linked from this page (including documentation) require utorid authentication and may not be shared with non-UofT users. Users may not make, have made, sell, offer for sale, execute, reproduce, display, perform, distribute externally to any third party copies of, or prepare derivative works of the data. Users must include attribution for use of data in reports (publications). Please contact the Map & Data Library to review a copy of the full terms of use.

There are four main Gallup products:

Note that U of T also has access to summary results via the Gallup Analytics platform (utorid authentication required). 

The Map & Data Library is excited to work with the U of T research community to provide support for those working with the Gallup data. Please join our Gallup Data Workgroup on Slack. The Slack group is moderated by Felix Cheung, Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology, St. George Campus. 

Gallup Panel - COVID-19 Survey

The COVID-19 web survey began fielding on March 13, 2020 with daily random samples of U.S. adults, aged 18 and older who are members of the Gallup Panel. Approximately 1,200 daily completes were collected from March 13 through April 26, 2020. From April 27 to August 16, 2020 approximately 500 daily completes were collected. Starting August 17, 2020, the survey moved from daily surveying to a survey conducted one time per month over a two week field period (typically the last two weeks of the month).

The documentation is contained within an Excel file.

Data file (SPSS, Stata, Documentation):

Gallup World Poll

Gallup's World Poll surveys adults in more than 160 countries, representing more than 99% of the world's population using randomly selected, nationally representative samples. Gallup typically surveys 1,000 individuals in each country using a standard set of core questions that has been translated into the major languages of each country. In some regions, supplemental questions are asked in addition to the core questions.



  • The Gallup World Poll dataset is a cumulative dataset that contains respondent-level data going back to the first survey administration in 2005/6. The file itself is very large; please contact us for access. The file is available in SPSS (.sav), Stata (.dta) and .dat. 

Gallup Poll Social Series (GPSS)

The Gallup Poll Social Series (GPSS) is a set of public opinion surveys designed to monitor U.S. adults' views on numerous social, economic, and political topics. The topics are arranged thematically across 12 surveys. Gallup administers these surveys during the same month every year and includes the survey's core trend questions in the same order each administration.

Introduced in 2001, the GPSS is the primary method Gallup uses to update several hundred long-term Gallup trend questions, some dating back to the 1930s. The series also includes many newer questions added to address contemporary issues as they emerge.

The core questions of the surveys differ each month, but several questions assessing the state of the nation are standard on all 12: presidential job approval, congressional job approval, satisfaction with the direction of the U.S., assessment of the U.S. job market, and an open-ended measurement of the nation's "most important problem."


Note: For most surveys, the Excel documentation file is within a zip file along with the data in the Data Files section down below.

More information about this survey is available in Gallup's methodology document. For all months at a glance, consult the GPSS Combined Codebook. In addition, each file has an Excel sheet showing which questions were asked in each year, and providing full question wording.

Data files (Stata, SPSS, and Documentation):

Gallup US Tracker

The methodology for the Gallup US Tracker has changed over time, please see the documentation for details. This series ended and was folded into the GPSS (monthly survey) in 2019.

