Canada Food Stats

Contains food statistics and indicators, including information on per capita food consumption and food prices, nutrition, supply and demand, as well as data on the food industry, processing, employment, productivity, trade and much more. Historical data varies by indicator (many go back to 1976, some as far as 1926).

Series title
Canada Food Stats
Data creator
Canada. Statistics Canada
Date of creation
2009 Jun 5th
Canada. Depository Services Program
Date of distribution
2009 Jun 25th
Geographic coverage


Time period
Extent of file
666 (number of logical records varies; xls and pdf format) including accompanying documentation

The Map & Data Library also holds numerous older editions from the Canada Food Stats series, which are superceded by the 2009 edition. If desired, older CD-ROMs may be consulted in the Map & Data Library (see list of CD-ROM numbers below). 

Original dissemination medium: CD-ROM. Installation Requirements: CFS software will require the following: CD-ROM drive; Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Vista; Minimum 400 megabytes of disk storage space; Minimum optimum viewing resolution of 800 X 600 recommended; Adobe Acrobat Reader (Adobe Acrobat Reader is available for free at; Minimum of 128 MB RAM; For installation instructions, see: Readme.txt.

The last updated issue was released in June 2009. Other data tables are available through the Food Statistics publication (free;
21-020-X) or at ,CANSIM tables 002-0010, 002-0011, 002-0019, 003-0080 and in the Summary tables section (free) at

Access status
Access conditions and restrictions

Statistics Canada Open Data License:

CD number
1171 (2009)
338 (2008)
152 (2007)
393 (Nov 2006)
1144 (Jun 2005)
1132 (Nov 2004)
1134 (Jun 2004)
261 (Nov 2003)
260 (Nov 2002)
236 (Jun 2002)
235 (Nov 2001)