All points split according to type of address point. This includes the following : Airports, ambulance stations, cemetery (cemeteries), Colleges, Commercial Locations, common element, community shopping centres, daycares, day cares, farms, federal office buildings, federal parks, fire stations, go bus terminals, go train stations, golf courses, high density residential - apartments, hospitals, private hospitals, public hospitals, hostels, hotels, industrial locations, libraries, low density residential, municipal city hall, municipal other, municipal parks, neighbourhood shopping centres, nursing homes, other educational institutions, emergency services, office buildings, points of interest, recreational facilities, transportation facilities, other uses, parking lots, penal institutions, places of worship, police stations, private schools, provincial legislature, public schools primary, public schools secondary, railway stations, rapid transit stations, regional parks, regional shopping centres, restaurants, separate schools primary, separate schools secondary, spots complex, subsidized housing, subway stations, universities, unknown, vacant locations (vacant lots). The original files were obtained from the City of Toronto Open Data portal on February 18th, from this link.