Datastream is LSEG (formerly Refinitiv)'s historical financial database with over 35 million individual instruments or indicators across all major asset classes, including 8.5 million active economic indicators. It features 120 years of data, across 175 countries.
Access to Datastream is via the LSEG Workspace platform. Sign up for a MyRefinitiv account by filling out the following form: Use your U of T email address, and select the LSEG product(s) you wish to have access to. Please note that the account registration process will take 24-72 hours during the work week. Once your account has been created, you will then have 24/7 access to these LSEG products. LSEG Workspace is available as a desktop application, web platform, and Excel plugin.
Please read before applying:
- We have a limited number of accounts, so we ask you to please only register if you actively intend to use the platform for your research.
- You must indicate whether you are applying for Datastream or SDC Platinum, or both. Failure to select either of these options means your application will not be approved.
- Due to a consistent demand but low usage of accounts, if you are an undergraduate or master's level student, please email with an explanation for your research needs for an account. This is required for account approval.
- All undergraduate and master's level accounts will be deactivated after April 30th of each year. Users may reapply by contacting
If you already have an account, log in here:
For support, please contact the Map & Data Library.