Workshop Description:
This is a hands-on workshop that introduces the R statistical programming language using RStudio. The topics covered are importing, exploring and modifying a dataset. It is most suitable for new R users or users looking to… Read more.
Course Description:
This intermediate-level R course gives users a gentle and thorough introduction to reshaping data, the data manipulation package DPLYR, if-statements, for loops, functions, and the popular graphing package GGPLOT2. This course is… Read more.
Course Description:
This course gives users a thorough introduction to the statistical programming language R in RStudio. It consists of videos, activity and quizzes. The topics covered include data types and data structures, exploring data, graphs… Read more.
This tutorial is a beginner friendly introduction to work with GIS data using R. The topics covered are creating and importing GIS data including point, line, and polygon features; making maps; and running common spatial analyses. The main spatial… Read more.
In this step-by-step guide, you will learn to create the following application:
You can download the dataset and the entire R code used in this guide here. You can follow along this code in RStudio… Read more.
This guide introduces users to the ggplot2 R package. Ggplot2 is a popular package that is used to make publication quality graphs in R. The official documentation for the ggplot2 package can be found here. It includes descriptions of… Read more.
There are multiple postal code products that can accomplish this task. For an overview, see our general PCCF page In this tutorial, we will use the… Read more.
There are multiple postal code products that can accomplish this task. For an overview, see our general PCCF page In this tutorial we will use the… Read more.
This course has multiple modules. Each module consists of a few videos. It will take approximately 2 hours to watch the videos. You can watch the videos by clicking on the topic title hyperlink under each module. If you need assistance, fill out… Read more.
This course has multiple modules. Each module consists of a few videos. It will take approximately 2 hours to watch the videos. You can watch the videos by clicking on the topic title hyperlink under each module. Download the course material from… Read more.