1961 census tract boundary files and attribute data tables for the City of Toronto. Note that the City of Toronto boundaries did not extend as far as they do in this dataset. The boundaries do, however, correspond to the… Read more.
Files available on the Scholars Portal Geospatial Portal http://geo1.scholarsportal.info/ Correspondence Files between 2006 and 2011 are also listed
1981 Census of Canada census tract boundary files digitized in 2012 by census metropolitan area based upon CARTLIB files [insert link].
Boundary files for all other levels of geography found through the Scholar's GeoPortal search engine: http://geo2… Read more.
What is CensusMapper? CensusMapper is a geographic information system designed to make maps and tabular reports of historic U.S. Census and related data. Unlike GIS software, CensusMapper has pre-loaded quality assured/quality controlled data… Read more.
These files have been converted to shapefile (ESRI) format from e00 format.