Our comprehensive map and atlas collection provides general and thematic maps for most countries and regions of the world, with the collection's main concentrations on Toronto, Ontario, Canada, the United States, and Europe. The book collection includes gazetteers, cartobibliographies, and material on cartography and the history of cartography. In addition to our extensive print map collection, the Map & Data Library has digitized a growing number of out-of-copyright maps and made them available online.
- Search for maps and atlases in the library catalogue. Consult our guide for tips on how to narrow your search to this collection
- Guide to map and atlas call numbers
- Floor plan
- Detailed map cabinet layout
There are also many maps in storage which can be requested during MDL reference hours. For example, to learn more about our topographical sets, their accession numbers, scales, and locations, visit our Topographical Map Index. We encourage you to come in for assistance with finding or requesting the maps you need.
The map and atlas collection is open to all University of Toronto faculty, students, staff, and members of the public, during regular Robarts Library hours of operation. Materials do not circulate except in very rare cases.
Current New Maps Catalogue:
In addition to our holdings available through the library catalogue, we have a growing inventory of additional materials, searchable through the bibliography below. Please select Keyword in order to search for maps as organised by geographic coverage. Note that if a map covers multiple areas, it may appear more than once when searching by keyword. If you would like to consult one of these maps, please ask our staff.