Statistical profiles of the Aboriginal communities that participated in the 1991 Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS). These profiles include 599 aboriginal communities (i.e. Indian reserves and settlements, and Inuit and Metis communities), with a minimum aboriginal identity population of 40 persons. Aboriginal identity population is defined as that portion of the population who identify with their aboriginal origins and/or are registered under the Indian Act. The profiles consist of a single table displaying 538 characteristics for each aboriginal community, each province, and territory, and Canada. The profiles contain data from the APS and selected data from the 1991 Census. The topics include: aboriginal languages, traditional activities, disability, health, lifestyle and social issues, mobility, schooling, work and related activities, expenditures, sources of income, and housing.
Ottawa, Ont.: Statistics Canada. Post-Censal Surveys Division (89F0020XDB)
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