Uganda: survey of war affected youth

SWAY was a research program in northern Uganda dedicated to understanding the causes and consequences of civil war violence and child soldiering. Specifically, SWAY studied:

  • The long-term, individual-level economic, psychological, and political impacts of exposure to war violence and conscription:
  • The scale, nature and causes of child soldiering and forced recruitment
  • The design and evaluation of programs to recover, reintegrate, and develop after conflict

To do so, SWAY tracked and surveyed a representative sample of more than 1,300 young men and women at the end of northern Uganda’s 20-year war. SWAY’s principal researchers are Jeannie Annan, Chris Blattman, Khristopher Carlson, and Dyan Mazurana. SWAY concluded in 2008. 

Data creator

SWAY program

Chris Blattman, Columbia University

SWAY program

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