New collection: Gallup polling data

November 2021. University of Toronto Libraries is pleased to announce it has acquired access to Gallup public opinion polling data. The Gallup acquisiton includes two products:

  • Gallup Analytics. This online platform provides aggregated results from more than a decade of international public opinion data (over 160 countries and areas) and nearly a century of U.S. national data. Survey products include World Poll, U.S. Dailies, and Gallup Poll Social Series.
  • Gallup individual-level data. Microdata for the Gallup COVID-19 Survey, Gallup World Poll, Gallup Poll Social Series (GPSS) and Gallup US Tracker. Microdata access is provided through the Map & Data Library; some files can be downloaded from the MDL website (UTORid required) while others are large and must be requested. Please contact the Map & Data Library for more information.

The Map & Data Library is also collaborating with the U of T research community to provide support for those working with the Gallup data. Please join our Gallup Data Workgroup on Slack. The Slack group is moderated by Felix Cheung, Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology, St. George Campus.