County and city data books

This resource provides access to the 1944 through 2000 County and City Data Books. This service provides the opportunity to create custom printouts and/or customized data subsets (subsets only available for 1988-2000). The data presented for the 1944-1983 editions was obtained through ICPSR, the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research.

The 1944-77 data for cities came from ICPSR. The data presented for 1988-2000 were obtained from the CD-ROM versions of the County and City Data Books which were made available to over 1400 depository libraries across the United States.

Data from these studies is not available for downloading from the University of Virginia Library website. University of Toronto users can download the original datasets from the ICPSR website.

University of Virginia Library
Time period
U.S. Census Bureau
Access status
Access conditions and restrictions

Browsable web interface is publicly available; data tables from ICPSR are restricted to University of Toronto students staff and faculty