CIRI human rights dataset

The CIRI Human Rights Dataset contains standards-based quantitative information on government respect for 15 internationally recognized human rights for 195 countries, annually from 1981-2010. Contains measures of government human rights practices. The dataset contains both disaggregated measures of specific human rights practices, which can either be analyzed separately or combined into valid and reliable indices, as well as two already-aggregated indices. It describes a wide variety of government human rights practices (15) including torture, workers' rights, and women’s rights over a 29-year period.

Alternative title
Cingranelli-Richards human rights dataset
Data creator
David L. Cingranelli, David L. Richards, and K. Chad Clay
David L. Cingranelli, David L. Richards, and K. Chad Clay
Statistics type
David L. Cingranelli, David L. Richards, and K. Chad Clay
Access status