AIDS: knowledge, attitudes and behaviour [1988]

The objectives of the survey were to assist in the development of education programmes aimed at preventing the spread of HIV infection and to provide an understanding of public attitudes on the public policy issues raised by the AIDS epidemic. Topic areas include Canadian adults' level of knowledge about AIDS, behaviours involving risk of HIV infection including sexual practices, and policy-related attitudes.

Alternative title
Toronto AIDS survey, 1988
Data creator

York University. Institute for Social Research

York University. Institute for Social Research
Date of distribution
1991 Apr 30th
Geographic coverage

Canada, Toronto


Random-digit dialling (RDD). Representative sample of Canadians eighteen years of age and over

Date of collection
1988 Sep to 1988 Nov
Mode of data collecton

Telephone interview

Unit of observation
Funding agency

Federal Centre for AIDS & Health and Welfare Canada. National Health Research and Development Programme

  • AIDS: knowledge, attitudes and behaviour. York University. Institute for Social Research. Newsletter 5(1):1-5, February 1990
  • Ornstein, Michael D. AIDS in Canada: knowledge, behaviour, and attitudes of adults. North York, Ont.: Institute for Social Research, York University, 1989

York University. Insitute for Social Research. AIDS: knowledge, attitudes and behaviour, [1988] [computer file]. North York, Ont.: York University. Institute for Social Research [producer and distributor], 1991-04-30

Access status
Access conditions and restrictions

Restricted for use by faculty, students, and staff of University of Toronto and subscribing institutions, for academic research and teaching purposes only.