Presentation Description:
November 17, 2020, 2:00pm, presented by Gerald RommeThis talk illustrates how to get started using Python in ArcGIS Pro and as a stand alone program to automate geoprocessing tools through the ArcPy site package.
Link… Read more.
Workshop Recording: A Friendly Introduction to Python for Absolute Beginners: Part 2 (November 2022)
Workshop Description:
Interested in learning to program but don't know where to start? This hands-on workshop will build on the concepts introduced in A Friendly Introduction to Python for Absolute Beginners: Part 1 to introduce you to more basic… Read more.
Workshop Recording: A Friendly Introduction to Python for Absolute Beginners: Part 1 (Apr. 20, 2022)
Workshop Description:
Interested in learning to program but don't know where to start? This hands-on workshop will introduce you to the basic concepts of one of the world's most popular programming languages, Python! This introduction to Python will… Read more.
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Learning Resources
Text Analysis Tasting Menu: A Sampling of Available Tools
This… Read more.
Getting Started
Since Python is open-source, it is completely free and doesn't require licencing! You can download the latest version of python, or a previous version, from Python's website.
You can also use Python through JupyterHub… Read more.
This tutorial has been developed for OpenRefine version 3.7.5
Sometimes when you construct an API call and use the Add Column by Fetching URLs feature, it won’t work. In these cases, you can use python to help. So far we’ve been writing GREL… Read more.
Scraping tweets using Python
Table of Content
The Twitter API
Python environment
Unicode strings
oauth2 library
Get Twitter data
Twitter is a popular online social network where users can send and read… Read more.
Set up environment
Data analysis packages in Python
Cleaning data in python
Download Dataset
Load dataset into Spyder
Drop data
Transform data
Create new variables
Rename variables
Merge two datasets
A few last… Read more.