Presentation Description:
October 8, 2020, 10:00am, presented by Nick FieldNote: this talk demonstrates an older version of the Digital Scholar Lab. For newer tutorials and videos, see this guide to getting started with the Digital Scholar Lab.This… Read more.
Extracting data
Presentation Description:
September 29, 2020, 2:00pm, presented by Nich WorbyWeb archives, like the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, have existed for almost as long as the World Wide Web. This presentation will introduce tapping into this rich… Read more.
Workshop Description:
Are you interested in analyzing large bodies of texts, or teaching text analysis in your class? Not sure what tools are available for you to use? Join us to learn about some of the major tools for text analysis at the… Read more.
Workshop Description:
In this hands-on workshop, students will learn how to read, explore, manipulate and combine data in Stata as well as run some common statistical analyses. It is suitable for new Stata users and Stata users looking to develop… Read more.
Workshop Description:
This is a hands-on workshop that introduces the R statistical programming language using RStudio. The topics covered are importing, exploring and modifying a dataset. It is most suitable for new R users or users looking to… Read more.
Workshop Description:
Excel is a popular spreadsheet software that allows you to organize, modify and analyse your data. In this 2 hour hands-on workshop, you will gain a deeper understanding of the uses and types of data that can be manipulated in… Read more.
Course Description:
This intermediate-level R course gives users a gentle and thorough introduction to reshaping data, the data manipulation package DPLYR, if-statements, for loops, functions, and the popular graphing package GGPLOT2. This course is… Read more.
Course Description:
This course gives users a thorough introduction to the statistical programming language R in RStudio. It consists of videos, activity and quizzes. The topics covered include data types and data structures, exploring data, graphs… Read more.
Use the Add Data button to add the dataset you are interested in selecting from to your map document. For this example, we will use a shapefile that represents the dissemination areas that comprise the Toronto Census Subdivision (From Statistics… Read more.
Table of Contents
Setting up working environment
Step 1 - Download the DEM dataset
Step 2 - Download City of Toronto boundary file
Step 3 - Setting up a working directory and establish folder connection
Clipping Rasters - Two ways… Read more.