Historical Toronto Land Patent owners from 1847. Based upon the map York Township (Toronto Park Lots) (Map #A73) and land patent sale records RG 1-100 Patent plans
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Derived from: Toronto Harbour Commission land surveys and former City of Toronto property data maps available through the University of Toronto Data and Map Library; municipal property assessments from the City of Toronto Archives; land transfer… Read more.
Historical data on the Toronto shoreline, and creeks, lost rivers, land ownership, and industry from 1825-1951 of the Don River Valley Watershed. Project website is http://maps.library.utoronto.ca/dvhmp/
Note that some layers are free to download. Others must be requested through the Map and Data Library. All roads can be found for public use at this url http://gis.ny.gov/gisdata/inventories/details.cfm?DSID=932
The ArcUSA 1:2M database is a comprehensive vector basemap of the coterminous United States at a scale of 1:2 million. Features include state and county boundaries, hydrography, roads, railroads, place names, and federal lands. Index layers… Read more.