Hamilton GIS Data
City of Waterloo
also contains bicycle paths, heritage sites, trails, campgrounds, fire hydrants, polling stations, street intersections, retail, sanitary manholes, sanitary sewer pipes, creeks, woods, and landmarks
New York State GIS Clearinghouse
Note that some layers are free to download. Others must be requested through the Map and Data Library. All roads can be found for public use at this url http://gis.ny.gov/gisdata/inventories/details.cfm?DSID=932
Hydrologischer Atlas von Deutschland
The Hydrological Atlas of Germany (HAD) is based on nation-wide comparable data for the whole of Germany using up to date hydrological models and regionalisation methods.
Arc Hydro GIS for Water Resources
The CD-ROM contains instructions to help you start using Arc Hydro, plus a set of tools that populate the attributes of the features in the data framework, interconnect features in different data layers, support hydrologic analysis, and more.
ArcUSA 1:2M
The ArcUSA 1:2M database is a comprehensive vector basemap of the coterminous United States at a scale of 1:2 million. Features include state and county boundaries, hydrography, roads, railroads, place names, and federal lands.