CanMap RouteLogistics Ontario
comprehensive road network file; roads, streets, etc.
comprehensive road network file; roads, streets, etc.
comprehensive road network file; roads, streets, etc.
Sewers; Cemeteries; Business Improvement Areas; sidewalks; escarpment; DTM 10 metres; DTM 20 metres; water hydrants; police stations; libraries; colleges; universities; beaches; arenas; sewers; transit; wards; shoreline; parking lots; land use, etc.
Derived datasets created by the GIS and Cartography office as part of a series of datasets sponsored by the Neptis foundation.
Other layers not described also include:Danger points; Sand; Mudflat; Provinces; Prefectures; Counties; 2, 3, and 4 digit postal codes; extraction areas and points, Great Wall of China, dams; islands
Various geographic features covering the entire earth.World coverage of topographic map themes.
The Geography Network also has the data available in a web map application
comprehensive road network file; roads, streets, etc.