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ESRI DATA: World Countries and World Administrative Areas; 2010 US Census datasets with their new geometry and attributes. Block Group, Tract, County and State are all represented as polygons with over 40 attribute fields containing population… Read more.

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Data includes: Building lines, hydro towers, curbs, curblines, curb points, catch basins, electrical pols, garage lines, garage polygons, general poles, historical sites, fire hydrants, light standards, miscellaneous structures, parks, pathways,… Read more.

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ESRI Data: World Base Maps, mainly topographic data such as roads, lakes, administrative boundaries etc.

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Sewers; Cemeteries; Business Improvement Areas; sidewalks; escarpment; DTM 10 metres; DTM 20 metres; water hydrants; police stations; libraries; colleges; universities; beaches; arenas; sewers; transit; wards; shoreline; parking lots; land use, etc.

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The Geography Network also has the data available in a web map application

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From: :ArcLogistics is a complete solution for creating optimized routes and solving scheduling problems. Create dynamic routes and schedules that cut fuel costs and improve customer service using… Read more.

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From: : ArcLogistics is a complete solution for creating optimized routes and solving scheduling problems. Create dynamic routes and schedules that cut fuel costs and improve customer service using… Read more.

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Digital atlas of Munich that allows for customized map export, driving directions, and browsing of over 40 georeferenced historic maps.

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Open geodata portal for Spain. Includes orthophotos, elevation data, land cover, road network files, hydrography, administrative boundaries, populated places, transportation networks and historical maps.

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Public domain vector and raster datasets for a range of cultural and physical themes, covering the entire world.