Basic economics

The database contains over 9,000 monthly, quarterly, and annual time series ending with the latest available observation and going back to 1946, if available. Historical editions of the database are also available and time series may go back even further in these editions. The data are on a national level, taken from over one hundred U.S. Government and private publications. All revisions (of data, concepts, and coverage) made by source agencies are incorporated into the databank.

Note: CHASS access for this dataset is currently under maintenance. Links to access this data through CHASS may not work.

Alternative title
DRI basic economics
Data creator
Global Insight (USA), Inc.
Boston, MA: Global Insight (USA), Inc.
Statistics type
Geographic coverage

United States

Time period
1901 - [latest]
monthly, quarterly, annual
Mode of data collection

various sources


CD-ROM copy available at the Map & Data Library for the following year:  2001 snapshot of DRI Basic Economics database (1901-2001)

Other names:

  • Citibase (1989-1995)
  • Basic Economics (1996-2000)
  • DRI-WEFA Basic Economics (2001-2002)
  • Basic Economics (2003-present)
Access status
Access conditions and restrictions

University of Toronto faculty, students, and staff, for academic research and teaching purposes only. Contact the <a href="">Map & Data Library</a> for access to the CD-ROM.

CD number
316 (2001 snapshot of DRI Basic Economics database (1901-2001))