The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is the specialized cancer agency of the World Health Organization.

The GLOBOCAN project provides estimates of the incidence of, mortality and prevalence from major types of cancer, at national level, for countries around the world.

GLOBOCAN 2002 presents estimates for the year 2002. However, although the populations of the different countries are those estimated for the middle of 2002, the disease rates are not those for the year 2002, but from the most recent data available, generally 2-5 years earlier. Incidence and mortality rates by age group (0-14,15-44,45-54,55-64,65+), cancer and sex were estimated for as many countries as possible. The numbers of cases, deaths and cancer survivors are computed by multiplying the estimated rates by the year 2002 population estimates for the corresponding country.

Please contact the Map & Data Library for access to the data.

Data creator
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
Date of creation
2005 Sep 16th
Lyon: International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
Date of distribution
2005 Sep
Statistics type
Geographic coverage


Extent of file
run-time application (15 physical files)

Map & Data Library downloaded a copy of the 2002 (version 2.0) edition of the database from the IARC website on 2005-10-20. Please contact the Map & Data Library to access the data.

Intranet location: Q:\data\international\who\iarc\globocan

Access status
Access conditions and restrictions

Please note that the GLOBOCAN 2002 CD may be freely used and reproduced, but not for sale or for use in conjunction with commercial or promotional purposes, and provided any use shall be subject to an appropriate acknowledgement of the source.