(extracted from the original files and repackages in JPEG format) Please contact mdl@llibrary.utoronto.ca for the original files.
from DMTI web page: Available for the first time, an integrated and innovative mapping solution for the spatial… Read more.
This CD-ROM contains colour figures from the book and data sets to support exercises. Step-by-step instructions on how to use ArcGIS software. There are sixty exercises and nine review exercises throughout the book, covering most of the topics… Read more.
The DVD has 99 maps on the ethnic culture of the people of Finland. It is a cartographical analysis of the culture of hunter-gatherers, farmers and peasants of the area.
The SRTM tiles are DEM data divided in to one degree blocks for the surface of the earth. The data is divided into two resolutions, one at 3 arc seconds (90m) and one at 30 arc seconds (900m). 80% of the earths surface is covered for all of the area… Read more.
The Dufour Map is an interactive CD which allows the user to compare the historic Dufour map of 1842-64 with the first modern official map of Switzerland at 1:100,000
From LIO web pages:Overview. The Digital Raster Acquisition Project for the East (DRAPE) Project covers approximately 54,000 square kilometres in eastern Ontario. Over 50 organizations contributed funding to the project including: Ontario Government… Read more.
This is the open data catalogue of the city of Toronto
February July 2009 update includes Landuse (land use) and zoning. March 2008 update includes Storm Sewer Network.Land Use layers are for existing land use. April 2009 is also available on DVD. See further information on this page. March 4, 2010… Read more.