Historical Toronto Land Patent owners from 1847. Based upon the map York Township (Toronto Park Lots) (Map #A73) and land patent sale records RG 1-100 Patent plans
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High resolution satellite imagery. Most not available online but follow download link for those that are online. List of Places covered: http://maps.library.utoronto.ca/data/ssvlist.txt
City of MIssissauga Dataset topographic data including planimetry, utility, contours, property fabric, vegetation, civic numbers, address, boundaries, public spaces and street centrelines
The Great Toronto Fires of 1904 and 1895: http://goadstoronto.blogspot.com/2012/10/the-great-toronto-fires-of-190…
These maps were georeferenced from originals held at the City of Toronto archives. See here. CAUTION: the sid files do not all seem to work. It is probably better to use the JPEGs. TIF files are also available upon request. The text files… Read more.
These air photos were georeferenced from originals held at the City of Toronto archives. The text files included in the downloads are the ground control points used for all original images. The colourized photo versions are derived from the… Read more.
This digital data release, produced as part of the Lake Nipigon Region Geoscience Initiative (LNRGI), contains location information, rock descriptions, detailed petrographic descriptions, photomicrographs and qualitative modal analyses for 250 thin… Read more.
Maps and reports presented in both French and English. From CD: "This work represents the first attempt to link outcome data to geography using simulated data generated from the 2003 International Adult Literacy and Skills Survey (IALSS) and the… Read more.