Penn world tables version 5.6
Constructed by Robert Summers and Alan Heston of the University of Pennsylvania, together with the late Irving Kravis, the Penn World Tables are the definitive source for real national accounts data.
Constructed by Robert Summers and Alan Heston of the University of Pennsylvania, together with the late Irving Kravis, the Penn World Tables are the definitive source for real national accounts data.
Constructed by Robert Summers and Alan Heston of the University of Pennsylvania, together with the late Irving Kravis, the Penn World Tables are the definitive source for real national accounts data.
This electronic publication originates from the OECD annual publication entitled Geographic Distribution of Financial Flows to Aid Recipients. The publication began in 1977, under the title Geographic Distribution of Financial Flows to Developing Countries.
The International Financial Statistics (IFS) is one of IMF's principal statistical datasets and has been available since January 1948.
World Trade (1980-2005, annual data) is a matrix of international trade flows, created from data reported by member countries to the United Nations Statistical Office, broken down by trading partner and commodity (SITC code). Value of trade is measured in '000 $US (thousands U.S do
Contains statistics to measure progress and demonstrate the effectiveness of development programs in traditional domains of debt, demographics, and national accounts, but in new areas such as biodiversity, information, communications, technology, and measures of government and business
Contains statistical series from several OECD databases. It provides an overview of economic developments of OECD countries since 1960. The tables mainly contain derived statistics such as growth rates and percentage shares.
The Statistical Yearbook provides systematic information on a wide range of social and economic issues that are of concern in the United Nations system and among the governments and peoples of the world.
'Public Policies and Social Conditions: Monitoring the transition in Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States', more commonly known as the MONEE project, was initiated by the UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre in 1992.
Contains the entire WOUDC ozone data archive (up to the end of the data year 1999) for data sets received by 2000-08-31. The following data types are represented: total ozone, ozonesondes, Umkehr N and retrieved values, lidar and surface ozone.