Urban Infrastructure and Urban Growth in the Toronto Region 1950s to the 1990s
Digital version of HT 169 C32T69 2003. Contains maps of infrastructure, including sewers.
Digital version of HT 169 C32T69 2003. Contains maps of infrastructure, including sewers.
2005 Orthoimagery of GTA & Hamilton. Colour aerial photography captured in the Spring of 2005, orthoimagery at a resolution of 20cm.
includes Etobicoke, former City of Toronto and North York
1981 Census of Canada census tract boundary files digitized in 2012 by census metropolitan area based upon CARTLIB files [insert link].
also available here: u:\geodata\canada\on\toronto\torontocity\Building_Construction_Date
comprehensive road network file; roads, streets, etc.
comprehensive road network file; roads, streets, etc.
These files have been converted to shapefile (ESRI) format from e00 format and have all block population numbers attached.
AGU ARC/Info Export Assessment areas, sub divisions and divisions