Architecture, Landscape & Design
Introduction to NVivo 14/15 for Windows
Before you begin, make sure you have NVivo 14 or 15 installed.
Online resources to build topography 3D models
This document compiles online resources that help to build terrain 3D models with a variety of software-options. Brief introductions on the pros and cons of each option are provided.
Data Sources:
For the City of Toronto:
Converting GIS data in FME Quick Translator
Launch FME Quick Translator from the Start Menu. On Map & Data Library computers, it is located in All Programs > FME Desktop 2012 SP4 > Utilities > FME Quick Translator.
Using the large format scanner
Starting the SmartWorks TOUCH scanning program
In order to use the Map and Data Library’s map scanner, the SmartWorks TOUCH scanning program must be running on the computer at the map scanning station. (If it is already loaded, skip to step 3.) To start the program: