Census of population [Great Britain] 1991: new parliamentary constituency monitor

Aggregate statistics from the 1991 census of population and households. Tables include: resident population and area, residents by age, economic characteristics, tenure of accommodation and amentities, dwellings, household composition, ethnic group, young adults, pensioners, social class, industry and qualifications.

Series title
Census of population and households, 1991
Data creator
Great Britain. Office for National Statistics
Date of creation
London: Office for National Statistics
Date of distribution
2006 Sep 15th
Statistics type
Geographic coverage

Great Britain

Time period
1981, 1991
Date of collection
Mode of data collection


Unit of observation
parliamentary constituency
Extent of file
11 data files (pdf format; number of logical records varies)

Tables include totals for the United Kingdom, Great Britain and England.

Access status
Access conditions and restrictions

University of Toronto faculty, students, and staff, for academic research and teaching.