Presentation Description:
April 1, 2021, 2:00pm, presented by Leslie BarnesAPIs (Application Programing Interfaces) are a major way to access data from both free and licensed sources. Come to this session to learn: what is an API? Which APIs do you… Read more.
Searching for maps and data
Presentation Description:
September 29, 2020, 2:00pm, presented by Nich WorbyWeb archives, like the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, have existed for almost as long as the World Wide Web. This presentation will introduce tapping into this rich… Read more.
Presentation Description:
September 22, 2020, 2:00pm, presented by Leanne TrimbleThis talk introduces the Canadian Census Discovery Portal project, an initiative that aims to inventory all census data released in what is now Canada (from the first… Read more.
General Resources
Research Guide on Newspapers
100 Site Analysis Essentials: An Architect’s Guide
Fieldwork: Landscape Architecture Europe
Interpreting Site: Studies in Perception, Representation, and Design
Site Matters: Strategies for… Read more.
Finding, Downloading, and Mapping Census Data
The CHASS Canadian Census Analyser allows members of the University of Toronto research community to generate custom tables from the Census of Canada (1961-2021) and the National Household… Read more.
Getting started
Obtain a license using our ArcGIS Software Request form
Visit our tutorial on Downloading, Installing, and Licensing ArcGIS Pro
Learning resources
ArcGIS Pro Module 1 - The Basics
ArcGIS Pro Module 2 - Authoring and… Read more.
Table of Contents
Build a collection
Upload your own texts
Create a text document
Bulk upload, method 1: text files
Bulk upload, method 2: spreadsheet (CSV)
Build a Collection
(back to table of contents)
The DSL has access to … Read more.
To locate and download data on an area of interest, using Toronto, Ontario as an example:
Begin by going to the GeoGratis homepage: and select your language of choice.
Under Geospatial Applications and Tools, click on… Read more.
1. Getting Started
a. What is CANSIM?
CANSIM is Statistics Canada’s main socioeconomic time series database. It contains most of the aggregate data collected by Statistics Canada on a regular basis such as data from the Consumer Price Index Survey,… Read more.