From CD: Atlas dos planos urbanisticos do Rio de Janeiro de Beaurepaire-Rohan ao Plano Estrategico
Sewers; Cemeteries; Business Improvement Areas; sidewalks; escarpment; DTM 10 metres; DTM 20 metres; water hydrants; police stations; libraries; colleges; universities; beaches; arenas; sewers; transit; wards; shoreline; parking lots; land use, etc.
Data was created for cartographic and analysis use at scales 1:250,000 to 1:900,000.
Projects include:Centres and corridorsTransportation Tomorrow Survey 2001Gameboard MapIntensification AnalysisVisualizing Toronto RegionSatellite image composites… Read more.
Various census levels used, including Data derived from Statistics Canada data. Data was created for cartographic and analysis use at scales 1:250,000 to 1:900,000.Original data held on CD-Rom[359]
Derived datasets created by the GIS and Cartography office as part of a series of datasets sponsored by the Neptis foundation. The datasets have been created to ensure correspondence lake shorelines at 1:625,000 scale, and rivers at 1:250,000 scale.… Read more.
Public domain vector and raster datasets for a range of cultural and physical themes, covering the entire world.
from lio web pages: "An extent which delineates a Built-Up Area (alias Urban Area) which is the class of all constructed areas in the province of Ontario. All areas have a Built-Up Area Community Class classification and a Community Series… Read more.
From the web page: "The Canada Land Use Monitoring Program (CLUMP) was established in 1978 by the Lands Directorate of Environment Canada to provide researchers, planners and managers with a database on land use change. The program complemented the… Read more.
Sewers; Cemeteries; Business Improvement Areas; sidewalks; escarpment; DTM 10 metres; DTM 20 metres; water hydrants; police stations; libraries; colleges; universities; beaches; arenas; Please request this data from Map & Data Library staff, 5th… Read more.