Clearinghouse for over 400 geospatial datasets pertaining to the state of Florida from local, state, federal and private agencies.
City of MIssissauga Dataset topographic data including planimetry, utility, contours, property fabric, vegetation, civic numbers, address, boundaries, public spaces and street centrelines
City of Mississauga Dataset toppgraphic data including planimetry, utility, contours, property fabric, vegetation, civic numbers, address, boundaries, public spaces and street centrelines
Wellbeing Toronto is a map based visualization tool that evaluates wellbeing across Toronto's 140 neighbourhoods using GIS software.
Note: as of Fall 2021, this application shows errors because it does not meet modern security protocols related to… Read more.
Data includes: Building lines, hydro towers, curbs, curblines, curb points, catch basins, electrical pols, garage lines, garage polygons, general poles, historical sites, fire hydrants, light standards, miscellaneous structures, parks, pathways,… Read more.
This is the open data catalogue of the city of Toronto
these data are available to the U of T community through the NY State GIS Cooperative.
DVD[344] contours only on network drive, not on DVD as of January 25, 2010. Contours are at 2ft intervals
New York City (NYC) Building Outlines / Footprints /… Read more.
Data includes: Building lines, hydro towers, curbs, curblines, curb points, catch basins, electrical pols, garage lines, garage polygons, general poles, historical sites, fire hydrants, light standards, miscellaneous structures, parks, pathways,… Read more.
Historic streetcar routes in Toronto from 1861 - 1961. This includes the route, the route name, the date the route started, the date the route ended, the type of service provided, notes on the route, a route ID, the decade a route started, the… Read more.