Digital interactive atlas of contains many thematic layers at the national, state and district levels that can be viewed, queried and printed. Includes maps under the following thematic headings:
-India & Neighbours
-States & Districts
-… Read more.
This Land Cover Classification System was developed by FAO and UNEP, it enables the comparison of land cover classes regardless of map scale, land cover type, data collection method or geographic location. It is the only universally accepted… Read more.
From their main web page: "A partnership designed to facilitate access to information for health planning with the overall goal of producing action to reduce health inequalities." No longer updated, but many maps archived.
Petermann's Maps focuses on the maps published in the famous German journal Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen. This journal, which still exists today, greatly influenced the development of scientific geography and cartography in Germany in the… Read more.
This product is a globally seamless adaptation of the U.S. Government's Digital Chart of the World (Vector Smart Map Level 0 [VMap0], Edition 5) produced by Global Mapping International in ESRI shapefile format, with added country polygons and… Read more.
Containing full-colour, detailed maps of more than 100 000 streets, the Canada Street Locator CD-ROM is an excellent resource for people who travel in Canada. Providing street level detail for every community in Canada with a population of 30 000 or… Read more.
Covers an area from Ireland in the west to Finland in the east and from the Norwegian Sea in the north to Malta in the south- Gas/condensate fields and pipelines, plus underground storage facilities and LNG import terminals and export plants-… Read more.