Clearinghouse for over 400 geospatial datasets pertaining to the state of Florida from local, state, federal and private agencies.
Natural chemical contents from sediments, soils, rock and ground water in Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen) and Bremen. This resource is in German.
Digital soils data of southern Ontario. Data is derived from the original soil survey reports and maps produced by Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Also includes organic soils.
Digital atlas of Spain containing scanned thematic and topographic maps of Spain and major Spanish cities. Plates can be viewed in application or saved as JPGs. Text in Spanish.
Interactive digital atlas of the world containing many thematic maps of the world and individual countries. Text in Italian.
Interactive digital atlas of the world containing many thematic maps of the world and individual countries. Text in Italian.
Digital interactive atlas of contains many thematic layers at the national, state and district levels that can be viewed, queried and printed. Includes maps under the following thematic headings:
-India & Neighbours
-States & Districts
-… Read more.
The Surficial Geology of Southern Ontario data set is a GIS based geological map that shows the distribution and characteristics of surficial units across Southern Ontario. It illustrates surficial deposits types, material types, geological features… Read more.