The Tectonic Geology Data Set is a digital interpretation of the Tectonic Geology of the Province of Ontario, It illustrates this by 1) grouping volcanic and sedimentary rock units into tectonic assemblages in Precambrain terrains and depositional… Read more.
Each year, Environment Canada produces a National HYDAT CD-ROM which provides rapid access to a stand alone version of the National Water Data Archive. This large database contains daily, monthly, and/or instantaneous information for streamflow,… Read more.
GIS Layers Include Area; Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest; Areas of Aquifer Vulnerability; Coordinates; Townships; Indian Reserves; Land Use Designations; Lots; Niagara Escarpment Plan Boundary; Railways; Roads; RTE Species Occurrences… Read more.
Each year, Environment Canada produces a National HYDAT CD-ROM which provides rapid access to a stand alone version of the National Water Data Archive. This large database contains daily, monthly, and/or instantaneous information for streamflow,… Read more.