Comprehensive road network file; roads, streets, etc.
also contains bicycle paths, heritage sites, trails, campgrounds, fire hydrants, polling stations, street intersections, retail, sanitary manholes, sanitary sewer pipes, creeks, woods, and landmarks
Data includes: Building lines, hydro towers, curbs, curlines, curb points, catch basins, electrical pols, garage lines, garage polygons, general poles, historical sites, fire hydrants, light standards, miscellaneous structures, parks, pathways,… Read more.
Toronto Mono Viewer 2 allows you to view and obtain information from aerial photos of the entire City of Toronto. TMV2 is a custom viewer software that is linked to 1,500 aerial images, 435,000 municipal addresses and 64,000 x,y,z co-ordinate points… Read more.
This product is a globally seamless adaptation of the U.S. Government's Digital Chart of the World (Vector Smart Map Level 0 [VMap0], Edition 5) produced by Global Mapping International in ESRI shapefile format, with added country polygons and… Read more.
CD-Rom contains:
1) Assessed Parcel mapping
2) City map - double line
3) City map - single line
4) Orthoimagery
5) Topographic features and 3d data (spot heights and contours)
MapArt has been producing electronic versions of their printed map products on CD-ROM, with software produced by Dun-Map, since 1996. The first CD, the Toronto & Area atlas, was an innovative product for the Toronto market when introduced, being… Read more.
The Ontario Streets CD-ROM is a comprehensive mapping program that gives the user great versatility in finding streets and services information anywhere in Ontario. The extensive data base containing the locations of specific streets, public… Read more.
Containing full-colour, detailed maps of more than 100 000 streets, the Canada Street Locator CD-ROM is an excellent resource for people who travel in Canada. Providing street level detail for every community in Canada with a population of 30 000 or… Read more.