OTS: Florence grey 3D Model Buildings (8 sq km)*
OTS 3D models built from 2005 stereo imagery
Data contains Breaklines (which include road / street widths), contours at 1 metre intervals and 2 metre intervals, and a (triangulated irregular network (TIN) model, and DTM points. Toronto contours.
16 classifications Raster to Polygon toolbox in ArcGIS was used to create polygons for the areas of each classification.
This project is a pioneering effort to create geo-spatial database on vegetation cover types, disturbance regimes and biological richness. The spatial data have also been linked with the species database of Botanical Survey of India-Red Data Book… Read more.
Download of satellite, aircraft, and other remotely sensed raster data. Free account setup is required. Most data is freely available for download and in the public domain. Select datasets have use restrictions and/or fees associated with them,… Read more.
eleven archaeologists reveal how the broad application of remote sensing, and especially geophysical techniques, is altering the usual conduct of dirt archaeology. Using case studies that both succeeded and failed, they offer a comprehensive guide… Read more.
The ideas and techniques of virtual reality are now being made available for the creation of artificial or virtual geographies (a virtual geography refers to the creation of artificial geographies for use in research and teaching, using ideas and… Read more.